donderdag 9 december 2010

Small daily aspirin dose 'cuts cancer risk'



An aspirin a day reduces chances of getting cancer with 25%. Aspirin was already known to cut the risk of heart attacks and strokes, but a study now done with 25,000 patients shows it reduces the risk of a range of common cancers. Even if the patients stopped taking them the chance of getting cancer was still less than normal after 20 years. The aspirin does either repair the faulty DNA in the new cells or makes them demolish themselves. However experts warn about the side effects such as an increasing risk of stomach and gut bleeds and especially elderly should go to their GP before starting to take the 75 mg a day.


I think it is positive news that an aspirin could help reduce the chance of cancer. Especially for people who have families in which cancer is common and have a high risk of getting it. However the risks are also very big because of the side effects. I think there should be more studies done on these side-effects and see if there is maybe some way to help preventing the side effects. I also think that there can be a lot done, maybe even more with reducing the risks by healthier living like exercising, the right food, stop smoking etc. I think this should be promoted more than taking some pill that can cause internal bleedings.

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