dinsdag 25 januari 2011

BLOG 11 Pregnant smokers urged to quit



Smoking can harm your baby, but many pregnant smokers are ashamed of their habit and ,afraid to be judged, they are not seeking help to quit. The NHS in England, a service to stop smoking, is now campaigning to get more pregnant smokers to ask for help in a campaign fronted by celebrity doctor Miriam Stoppard.  It is really important that women become aware of the fact that every cigarette restricts the essential oxygen supply the baby needs and that there is help to stop smoking. It is also important for the people who disapprove to stop judging and start supporting.


I think it is good that there is more help for pregnant women to stop smoking. It is weird that women continue to smoke when they are expecting a child and put its life in danger. Just as weird as people continue smoking when they know the damage it does to their own health. I like that there is more and more attention for this subject. I’m not sure if smoking should be prohibited as a whole, but it is important to protect the people, especially children, who didn’t choose to inhale the damaging

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